Spahn warns SPD to be closed to Operate in the pandemic

"The heavy Phase of the pandemic": Spahn warns SPD to be closed in a pandemic. Jens Spahn (CDU), Federal Minister for health, in his Ministry, a press conference for the vaccination strategy of the Federal government.

Jens Spahn (CDU), Federal Minister for health, in his Ministry, a press conference for the vaccination strategy of the Federal government. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa. (Source: dpa)

Berlin (dpa) – in view of the criticism of the SPD in its vaccination strategy Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) has called for the coalition partners working together in the Corona-crisis.

“In this tough Phase of the pandemic, I think, to expect the citizens to legal unity and determination of your government,” he said on Tuesday in the ARD”morning magazine”. “That doesn’t work in a Phase to want to at the same time the government and the Opposition to be. Somehow it has not worked since 20 years for the SPD.” And with an additional Spahn of the SPD accused, indirectly, to operate a choice tactically: “I don’t think that’s running now in an election year.”

Several SPD politicians, last updated on Monday, Secretary-General, Lars Klingbeil, had made Spahn responsible for the fact that some other countries are in the Vaccinate more than Germany. “We see these days that there are chaotic States” that had Kling said resolution, and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), prompted to turn it on.

SPD-Head of Saskia esque showed on Tuesday, dissatisfied with the vaccination strategy. It had come in the last days, serious questions in relation to the Vaccination and to the procurement of the vaccines applied, said esque in RBB-info radio. They had the firm Conviction that participation in the European procurement strategy was the right one, the questions in respect of the procurement and the prioritization would have to be answered. “It is already in the implementation of each of the Ministers responsible, ( … ), in the case of Mr. Spahn must now answer questions.”

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